Sunday, October 02, 2011

I am interested in learning more and more about the evolving field of software development and engineering, especially Mobile Applications and Cloud Networking. So I am always on the lookout for upcoming meetups and events. Have you heard about Silicon Valley Code Camp. This is one that is all about engineer to engineer exchange, developers teaching developers, and it's an all volunteer setting. There is even an iPhone app for it.

I'll be there:

CodeCamp at FootHill College.

I am volunteering for a slot and also attending the following sessions:
  • iOS Application Architecture

  • TurboCharge your iPhone project with Three20 (an open-source Objective-C library)

  • iPhone Development Kickstart

  • Hands on BlackBerry Playbook, iOS and Android Development

  • What is Google App Engine?

  • Google App Engine workshop

  • Automated GUI Testing on Mac using ATOMac

    There is a lot to choose from. Hope to see you there!




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